Can Eye Yoga Improve Eye Health? We Explore

Table of Contents Lowering Eye PressurePost Cataract Treatment RecoveryEye Strain ReductionDry Eyes and Dark CirclesThe Science of ItFinal…

Also known as yogic exercises, eye yoga exercises are routines widely believed to improve the overall condition of the eye and its surrounding muscles. Many people across the world practice yoga for the eyes believing that it will improve the overall quality of their vision and even reduce eye strain.

And although there is no scientific evidence so far supporting claims that eye yoga can provide any curative benefits, eye yoga still has a role to play. Generally, eye yoga has the ability to promote relaxation thereby leading to a myriad of benefits.

Lowering Eye Pressure

Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the name given to eye pressure. Generally, people believe that yoga exercises for the eyes can help lower IOP. With that claim in mind, it is safe to say that lower IOP can significantly reduce the risk of glaucoma which can significantly negatively affect the optic nerve. And although there are no clinical data to confirm this theory so far, the stress-relieving benefits of yoga are definitely worth experiencing.

Post Cataract Treatment Recovery

Again, in line with the observation that eye yoga often helps in lowering IOP, it is often touted as a beneficial routine post-cataract surgery. However, it might not necessarily be a good idea to try these exercises immediately after the cataract is removed. It is advisable to give the eyes ample time to recover. Also important, one should consult an ophthalmologist before attempting any sort of eye exercise. But for long-term wellness, yoga for the eyes might prove therapeutic.

Eye Strain Reduction

There are numerous causes of eye strain. From the strain imposed by prolonged exposure to computer and phone screens to long hours of driving, there’s no doubt that our eyes go through a lot. Fortunately, eye yoga is known for relieving eye strain. In fact, generally, eye strain is associated with stress so practicing it regularly can, directly and indirectly, play a huge role in your overall wellness.

Dry Eyes and Dark Circles

So far, there is no scientific evidence that suggests that engaging in eye yoga exercise has any benefits linked to the symptoms of dry eyes and dark circles. That said, the routines can increase blood flow through your eyeballs. And while that can bring temporary relief, it may not do much to eliminate deep-lying symptoms.

The Science of It

A lot more research needs to be conducted to back up most of the claims made about eye yoga. The practice involves focusing on objects placed near and far away. It also entails gentle movement of eyes upward, downward, leftward, and rightward. In theory, these basic movements may provide exercises for eye muscles.

Yoga is also known for its therapeutic effects, especially as a stress-coping mechanism. As such, it may help in the management of eye strain, especially as a short-term measure. Another thing, the simple act of practicing focus can have a positive effect on the brain’s response. It may also improve attentiveness which can indeed help you to start seeing better.

Final Remarks

To this end, eye exercises appear to have significant benefits especially if done right. Their therapeutic effects can help one focus and relax a lot better. By extension, this can improve attentiveness and quality of life in general.

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