Canoe Trip in Wye Valley: Do’s and Don’ts You Should Remember

Table of Contents Canoeing in River WyeDoDon’t Wye Valley is known for its mesmerising landscapes. It has the…
Canoe Trip in Wye Valley: Do’s and Don’ts You Should Remember

Wye Valley is known for its mesmerising landscapes. It has the beautiful River Wye flowing through it. It is the 5th largest and longest river in the UK and is a significant resource for people’s recreation and sport. Glamping and fishing are the most popular reasons why people go on trips in Wye Valley. The beautiful sceneries you get to wake up to and discover are why it’s a favourite. More so, its clean waters, excellent stream with the slowness and depth in the upstream and fastness in the downstream sections, move bigger fishes to an ideal spot to catch. It’s a good thing it hasn’t been unaltered by man. It has helped in preserving the wildlife in the River Wye.

Although, more than glamping and fishing, there’s one activity you should try and do in the Wye Valley to make the most out of it – canoeing.

Canoeing in River Wye

Canoeing is simply a boating activity using canoes. River Wye is ideal for canoeing because of the excellent canoeing water its stream provides. More so, if long-distance touring is what you want, you’ll love River Wye for the view you get.

However, the River Wye must be used with respect regarding the needed protection for these kinds of environmental attractions and designations. There are essential do’s and don’ts you need to follow to maintain the harmony that it has always had through the years.


  • Look after the River Environment.

Canoe carefully and avoid damaging any banks or bankside vegetations. Make sure to have a lookout on waterweeds and gravel beds.

  • Protect native habitats and species.

 It would be best if you disinfected or dry equipment when used in other freshwater bodies.

  • Park properly.

Do not cause any obstruction.

  • Respect other learner drivers, especially beginners.

Have particular regard for people who are just learning how to canoe.

  • Inform others if there is a situation or hazard.

Hail and direct a person’s attention to a hazardous situation that may cause collision, damage, or inconvenience.

  • Treat hails as a caring warning.

Do not think of hails as an insult. When canoeing, hails are usually a friendly warning.

  • Be as quiet as possible.

Avoid causing any disturbance to others and spoiling their enjoyment. Always have respect for other river users.

  • Be friendly and polite.

Avoid having arguments with anyone, especially the residents.

  • Have complete safety equipment.

Protect yourself from any hazard and canoe through the river in a safe fashion.


  • Drag equipment over boulders and rock slabs.

To avoid any damage, avoid rock slabs and boulders.

  • Disturb birds and other wildlife.

Once you feel that you are disturbing wildlife, you should immediately stop whatever you’re doing. It would help if you weren’t in areas that are used by nesting birds, spawning fish, and wintering wildlife during particular seasons.

  • Trespass on private banks or moorings.

Stay on the route that is allowed for canoeing. Trespassing on moorings or private banks can bring you to danger, be it having an argument with locals, being called on with the police or being water or environment conditions that may not be ideal for canoeing.

  • Land on Islands and Gravel Shoals between April 1 and July 31.

When you are out on the water, specific guidance to tourists and residents is to not land on islands and gravel shoals from April 1 and July 31. You can learn more about this on


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