
Top 4 Tips of Psychological Resilience for Entrepreneurs

Psychological resilience is an important quality for anyone. It is essential to be confident in stressful situations, not to panic and to keep a sober mind in all circumstances, even when losing at or making a wrong decision at work. But psychological stability is especially important for entrepreneurs.

Here are 4 significant tips to help you find composure and develop psychological resilience.

Visualize Success

Before an important event or performance, it’s easy to panic: convince yourself that it won’t work out and let your hands drop. To avoid succumbing to negativity, visualize success.

Think through all the details of the situation, imagine your actions, build in your head a “picture” of success. So you will be able to distract yourself from thoughts about possible failure and gain self-confidence.

For example, tomorrow you have an important performance. To set yourself up, visualize success: imagine how you will go out in front of the audience, how you will say everything you want, how you will be applauded.

Break Goals Down Into Smaller Ones

If you aim high right away, it can feel like you’re not moving toward your goal at all. This can be frustrating and demotivating.

Break up big goals into smaller ones: that way you can see your progress and feel your development.

For example, you want to build an international corporation. If you compare your achievements to the final goal, everything will seem small. However, if you break the goal down into smaller ones, you’ll find that creating a new page on the website is an important step.


During stressful situations, it’s easy to lose your balance and lose your temper. To prevent this, do exercises: do meditation and breathing practices.

It’s easy with meditation. There are many apps online with which you can master it. Breathing exercises aren’t hard, either: inhale and exhale for four seconds at a time. Four repetitions will be enough to bring you to your senses.

For example, the project is burning deadlines, you become nervous and confused. Here’re four hikes: 4 seconds inhale, 4 seconds exhale, and you’re fine.

Apply the 10/10/10 Rule

Sometimes it can be difficult to make a difficult decision: you’re nervous, afraid and don’t know which way is right. In this case, the 10/10/10 rule will help you. It works in your personal life as well.

Think about what you will think about your decision in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years. This will help you assess the situation from a higher perspective, and perhaps see something else you haven’t noticed before. That way it will be easier to make a difficult decision.

For example, you’ve been offered a new order, and you don’t know if you can handle it, if it’s worth taking it. Think about what you’ll think under the 10/10/10 rule if you refuse. And if you take it?


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