
What seating classes are available on Sapsan Moscow to St. Petersburg train?

When considering how to have a great time on a train between Moscow and St. Petersburg, don’t forget to choose your seating class wisely. While at first thought you may want to allocate more money to experiences off the train, the fact that Saspan has seven different options to meet various budget levels will likely be cause for reconsideration. Let us guide you to choose the most cost-effective class for your traveling needs and wants. Sapsan Moscow to St. Petersburg train offers a class for everyone. The choice depends on the number of travelers, packing limits, space needed, food preferences and electronic access considerations. If WiFi, extra leg room or a hot meal count among your must-haves, be sure to book early in the higher classes below. Regardless of your needs, this exciting train journey between Moscow and St. Petersburg – two of Russia’s major, historic cities is full of possibilities.

Standard (basic) Class

The Standard Class is the lowest level of Sapsan ticket available. Offering adjustable seats, personal lighting, a folding footrest and a built-in radio, this class does allow for customization and entertainment. Passengers enjoy a tabletop on the chairback in front, or along the window for chairs facing one another. Overhead compartments store luggage, while the car’s wardrobe has racks for hanging coats. With cloth seats, the standard class rivals second class on Western trains.

Economy Class

One step up from Standard, Sapsan’s Economy Class sports built-in audio-visual units. An additional media center might also make it worth the price for some. Those traveling with children might appreciate the possibility of entertaining with technology, for only ₽3000 ($47) per seat. But for real engagement for children, read on to learn about what’s available in Business class.

Economy+ Class 

If you like to be served food, or don’t have the capacity to pack much food, the Economy+ class might be for you. It includes a meal, complete with coffee or tea. However, it’s a cold sandwich; for hot options, keep reading. A shoe-cleaning machine is also available in this car. Whether you haven’t had your shoes polished lately or landed in a sooty, snowy puddle, don’t forget this convenience.

Dining Class (Bistro-car)

If eating a lot or well is a priority, then the Bistro car might be for you. The ₽2000 ($31) non-refundable deposit on the car can be used on food, for a total price ranging from ₽5000 ($78) to ₽6000 ($93). Aside from the traveling bistro experience, the features of the seats and the electronics rival those of Economy+.

Business Class

Every train only sports one Business Class car, so to enjoy outlets between the seats and more leg room, book early. The leather seats are wider too. WiFi is included, so passengers can work, write home about their travels or plan subsequent legs of their trip. A hot meal is included for either breakfast or lunch. Children will enjoy this class, as business-class tickets deliver, with a small play set upon request.

First Class

For real luxury and exclusivity, book one of the few well-spaced, first-class seats on a Sapsan train. These leather seats recline completely and sport a recliner-style footrest. A retractable monitor can appear from the armrest during boring stretches of the Russian landscape outside. Cat naps or full mid-travel comas are also great possibilities once the scenery grows repetitive or after being served a meal. Another possibility in first class is reading a Russian newspaper to stay up to date on current events or practice your Russian. With a hot meal, WiFi, and few neighbors, the ₽12.500 ($195) ticket might be worth arriving refreshed and fed.

Conference Room

Finally, business associates, families and the reclusive might opt to book all four seats in the private conference room. With four seats surrounding an expandable table, it’s easy to get down to business, eat a few times or even play a game.

For a long trip between beautiful major world metropolises, first class or the conference room might be worth the splurge. Nevertheless, even the lower-class Moscow St. Petersburg tickets offer adjustable seats and a little entertainment. With the knowledge provided, you can rest assured that you’re striking a balance between costs and convenience. Do be sure to book in time, however, perhaps not waiting until you reach the Moscow railway station. No matter which class you choose, we wish you wonderful travels in Russia.

The same classes are available on the Sapsan train from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod.


Tehseen is a blogger and investor by passion. He worked on many websites and blogs recently. He loves to share different stuff with people.

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